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Huckleberry Alliance, Inc.

We are all worthy of having a father

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Huckleberry Alliance, Inc.

We are all worthy of having a father

About Huckleberry Alliance, Inc.

Huckleberry Alliance, Inc. was inspired by Huckleberry Finn, an orphan in the novel by Mark Twain. Huck, a fictional character, remained optimistic despite his challenges with his father. In Huck’s search for freedom, he developed his intuition, garnered his ability to persevere and became an overcomer.

Similarly, Howard (Sonny) Langley, whom this non-profit honors, and the Father of our Executive Director, had a positive outlook on life despite his absent Father. Sonny, a United States Naval Academy graduate and Marine, served in Vietnam and became a successful entrepreneur. “Endeavor to persevere”, a quote by Abraham Lincoln, was Sonny’s personal truism.

Huckleberry Alliance is pleased to offer the Collegiate Scholarship Honoring the Legacy of Howard (Sonny) Langley. Sonny was a triathlete, competing in football, basketball and baseball. Sonny, a highly intelligent man, emphasized the need to shine academically. Whether computing a mathematical problem on a napkin over lunch or encouraging historical research during summer break, obtaining notable competencies was a prominent element in every conversation. Required aspirations weren’t spoken but known and understood.

Our mission is to support, encourage and inspire fatherless teenagers through adversity. Our resilient Board of Directors carry candid personal testimonies as validation we can all triumph. Our hope is to expand our non-profit throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and structure a virtues initiative.

Our 501(c)(3) organization operates solely on generous offerings from the communities in which we serve. If so inclined, connect with us to volunteer in any capacity.

We express our utmost gratitude to all who choose to support our worthy cause.

Isaiah 1:17 encourages us to defend the cause of the fatherless.

We are all worthy of having a father.

In service to God,


Christine Langley-Obaugh, M.Ed., CVA
Executive Director of Huckleberry Alliance, Inc.
Psychospiritual Leader, Educator, and Entrepreneur
Supreme Court of Virginia Certified Mediator #2487

without a father figure
of all homeless
and runaway children
are fatherless
of fatherless children
are more likely to
drop out of school
believe that a fatherless home
is the most significant social problem

*Statistical data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Center for Fathering.